HammondCare Miranda - Stage 3C
Project Description
Construction of a 4 storey residential aged care home containing 60 beds of low to high care, communal facilities and landscaping.
- Construct 3 upper residential levels, providing accommodation for 60 residents.
- Ground level/ basement comprising car parking, back-of-house areas, and the main entry.
Overcoming Challenges
TOTAL navigated the challenges of working within a live environment with a significant focus on managing COVID risks. Works within the active facility were carefully managed, ensuring isolation measures and confirming completion of flu vaccinations.
TOTAL successfully managed the project within the vicinity of a high voltage power line. Stringent measures were put in place to ensure that all cranage and plant movements were clear of the power lines, prioritizing safety and compliance.
The project involved updating the design from NCC 2016 to NCC 2019, ensuring adherence to all required compliances. TOTAL demonstrated its capability to stay abreast of regulatory changes, ensuring the project met the latest industry standards.
The project’s successful completion and adherence to the highest construction standards were acknowledged with the Master Builder’s Excellence in Construction Award in 2023. This esteemed recognition reflects TOTAL’s dedication to quality, safety, and innovative solutions.